Coursework & Curriculum
Eligibility: Finance. Current 3rd Year students /Graduates holding a Bachelor's degree in Business, Finance, Accounting, and/or Science. GPA of 3 and above. You need to have a basic understanding of financial markets and a desire to pursue a career in Finance. GRE/GMAT are optional. TOEFL / IELTS scores are not required, applicants must show English proficiency. . Prerequisites: Yes. Refer to Fordham University- Gabelli School of Business website for details.
Eligibility: Management. Current 3rd Year students /Graduates holding a Bachelor's degree in any non -business field Liberal Arts, STEM or the Social Sciences. GRE/GMAT are optional , TOEFL /IELTS scores are not required, applicants must show English proficiency. . No prerequisite requirements.
Eligibility Marketing Intelligence. Current 3rd Year students /Graduates holding a Bachelor's degree with prior experience in Marketing, Market Research or Advertising. GRE/GMAT are optional. Prerequisites Yes. TOEFL / IELTS scores are not required, applicants must show English proficiency.
Coursework at St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai, India
Students will begin Coursework at St. Xavier’s College from April to July of each academic year. ( 6 transferable Credits)
The mission of the Global Leadership Program is to prepare global leaders in management. The courses are
Foundations of Data Visualization and AI :
"In today's world, where businesses operate on a worldwide scale with non-existent barriers, managers and data analysts must grasp the importance of business intelligence (BI). When it comes to projects, BI comprises the foresight to anticipate failures, determination of success factors, and the implementation of solutions that can be shared through visualisations. Hence, the foundations of BI, like data quality, maintaining big data, mining with intelligence etc. will help with excellent analytics, efficient data summaries and good governance."
Ethics and Ethos :
The course has three primary components. The first component provides an overview of global normative ethical principles, as well as a brief glimpse of local ethical worldviews—both religious and cultural. The second component highlights primary elements of “business ethics”, including work ethics, organizational ethics, unethical business practices, and corporate social responsibility. The third component focuses on the need for developing inter-cultural sensitivity—in the public sphere in general, and within professional and business contexts in particular.
Leadership and Business Communication :
This course bridges the critical skills of effective business communication and principled leadership. It is tailored for graduates aspiring to excel in global business environments and top-tier business schools. Participants will explore the nuances of crafting clear, persuasive messages and mastering cross-cultural communication to thrive in diverse, international contexts. Alongside communication skills, the course delves into leadership principles essential for navigating today’s complex global business landscape, emphasising ethical decision-making, cultural intelligence, and leading diverse teams.
Coursework at Fordham University Gabelli School of Business,
New York, USA
M.S. in Finance
Fordham University‘s Gabelli School of Business STEM-designated, 30-credit M.S. in Finance, offered on-site in NYC , prepares you for the finance careers of the future by grounding you in traditional topics such as financial theory, raising capital, and managing assets, while exposing you to emerging industry trends through electives and specialized tracks.
This AACSB accredited degree provides the skill sets and insights that address your career goals and objectives, while increasing your knowledge in growing fields including:
Data Analytics
Corporate Finance
Investment Management
Risk Management
We'll take a look at your background and decide if you would benefit from some foundational coursework before pursuing the M.S.F. Some students may be asked to take the courses below prior to the start of the program. Students whose examination results do not meet the minimum standards will be required to take foundation course(s) first and postpone relevant core courses.
GFGB 6002 Basics of Finance (1 credit)
GFGB 6003 Basics of Economics (1 credit)
GFGB 8005 Business Communication for Finance- A and GFGB 8006 Business Communication for Finance - B (1 credit total, on-campus students only)
GFGB 6011 Basics of Accounting (1 credit)
GFGB 6012 Basics of Statistics (1 credit)
GFGB 601F Finance Primer (1 credit, on-campus students only)
Required Courses
GFGB 6006 Corporate Finance Applications Credits 3
GFGB 6007 Investment Applications Credits 3
One of the following two options
For on-campus students :
GFGB 601A Financial Markets and Responsibility A
& GFGB 601B and Financial Markets and Responsibility-B
For on-campus students, in addition to electives with the subject code GFGB, up to two of the following non-finance courses can be taken to fulfill M.S.F. electives, with approval from the Faculty Program Director and/or Assistant Dean. Students may also propose other electives for possible approval as one of the two non GFGB classes.
Course Title Credits
ACGB 6111 Financial Accounting & Reporting Data Analysis 3
ACGB 7125 Financial Statement Analysis 3
ACGB 7136 International Accounting 3
CMGB 75AJ Financial Media 3
ISGB 6910 Business Tech & Analytics 3
ISGB 7967 Data Mining for Business 3
ISGB 7973 Database Management 3
ISGB 7978 Web Analytics 3
ISGB 7980 Bus Modeling w/Adv Sprdsheets 3
ISGB 7988 Business Performance and Risk Management 3
ISGB 7990 Big Data Analytics 3
ISGB 7943 Programming with Python 3
ISGB 79AA Advanced Python for Financial Programming 3
MIGB 779H Marketing Decision Models 15
MIGB 8709 Digital Marketing Analytics 15
MKGB 779I Data-Driven Marketing Decisions 3
SDGB 7844 Stat Methods and Comp I 3
M.S. in Management
The Gabelli School of Business 30-credit Master’s in Management is a management degree for the future. It offers study options that provide students with the ethical leadership and management tools to effectively lead people and organizations in new and innovative ways. Focusing on management strategies for successful management careers across industries—from accounting to marketing, finance to business operations—this AACSB accredited degree explores and fosters the integral role of sustainable and regenerative business practices across traditional and emerging fields.
The M.S. in management is 30 credits,
Course Title Credits
MMGB 6610 Being a Discerning Leader 3
MMGB 6613 Leading Organizations in the 21st Century 3
MMGB 6620 Leading Innovation for a Global World 3
Flex Core
Choose three of the below courses. 9
MMGB 6627 Modern Operations & Supply Chain Management
MMGB 6009 Financial Fundamentals
or MMGB 6411 Finance in Sustainable Org
MMGB 6611 Marketing in the Digital Age
or MMGB 6710 Purpose-Driven Marketing
MMGB 6111 Accounting and CSR Reporting Principles
MMGB 7660 Business Strategy for the Modern World
MMGB 6820 Managerial Statistics
MMGB 6630 Sustainable Bus Master Class
LPGB 76BW Applied Sustainability Innovation
Four elective courses 1 12
Total Credits 30
Students may choose electives from graduate-level courses in the Gabelli School of Business (including additional flex core courses not taken towards the flex core) to fulfill the elective requirements. To see courses offered, please visit course listings. Students are responsible for completing any course prerequisites if necessary
MMGB 6007. Investment Applications. (3 Credits)
The objective of this course is to introduce the student to investment principles in the U.S. and in the global capital market. We will understand existing assets and investment vehicles, the functioning of capital market, the theoretical principles that underline asset pricing, and its applications in the valuations of fixed income and equity securities.
Attribute: MOE.
MMGB 6009. Financial Fundamentals. (3 Credits)
Introduces the financial system and basic methods of valuation. Students will learn how to interpret financial data reported in the press and will discuss topical subjects facing the financial industry and the economy. Course topics include: financial markets, instruments, and institutions; time value of money, net present value, and applications; valuation of stocks and bonds; elements of firm and enterprise value; and risk and return.
MMGB 6010. Financial Markets and Responsibility. (3 Credits)
This course is intended as an introduction to global financial markets. We will discuss the instruments traded in the markets, the institutions that support and frame the markets, the trading mechanisms, and the regulatory structure. The course is intended to be descriptive and conceptual. The aim is to familiarize you with the breadth and scope of equity, debt, and derivative markets. We shall discuss the recent developments in the U.S. and the development of financial markets globally.
Attribute: MOE.
MMGB 6111. Accounting and CSR Reporting Principles. (3 Credits)
This course focuses on traditional critical concepts of accounting principles while integrating new CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) reporting practices for environmental, social, and governance known as ESG.
Mutually Exclusive: ACGB 6111.
MMGB 6411. Finance in Sustainable Org. (3 Credits)
Good financial management is critical for the survival of any organization since it must have enough accessible cash to operate and pay its bills (liquidity) and enough money be able to weather bad times (solvency, resilience). However, some organizations, supported by current finance theory, focus solely on profit and financial value creation, often at the expense of other human needs. In this course we look at finance through the lens of sustainability. After learning key finance concepts we consider how organizations can go beyond current finance theory and use financial tools, techniques, and insights not only to create monetary wealth, but also to support the organization to contribute to a robust, healthy environment and to social justice and inclusion.
Mutually Exclusive: FNGB 6411.
MMGB 6610. Being a Discerning Leader. (0 to 3 Credits)
This course introduces students to the current challenges managers are facing. It provides frameworks of competing theories on human nature and explores their consequences for managing organizations.
Mutually Exclusive: MGGB 6610.
MMGB 6611. Marketing in the Digital Age. (3 Credits)
This course introduces the ways in which marketing creates value in the interactions with other business functions, stakeholders and consumers. It emphasizes why and how successful marketing needs to be customer-driven, especially in the digital age where consumer engagement through various channels is key to a firm's success. Topics covered include the strategic marketing process; the exchange of value; market segmentation, targeting, and positioning, and the marketing mix in the digital economy.
Mutually Exclusive: MKGB 6710.
MMGB 6613. Leading Organizations in the 21st Century. (3 Credits)
This course presents organizational structure and process theories, focusing on the ways in which organizations operate within and relate to a competitive global environment. This course also explores critical issues related to the individual and the firm; and defines management’s role and responsibilities in the continual improvement of quality, productivity, and the competitive position of the enterprise.
Mutually Exclusive: MGGB 6613.
MMGB 6620. Leading Innovation for a Global World. (2 to 3 Credits)
In this course, students will build on the insights gained in Introduction to Modern Management. Students will explore various global initiatives that are ongoing in terms of addressing global challenges, including climate change, social inequity, and poverty. Students will complete a research project and prepare a case study.
MMGB 6627. Modern Operations & Supply Chain Management. (3 Credits)
Operations/supply chain management is responsible for the design, daily operation, and improvement of operations/supply chain processes to provide a product, a service, or a product-service bundle. This course provides an introduction to this field to understand the major decisions made by operations/supply chain managers along these processes. Topics include operations strategy, process management, service operations, inventory management, quality management, lean supply chain, global sourcing, etc. The course will provide students many hands-on activities to understand the challenges on the supply chain and the impact of operations decisions on financial performance of an organization.
Mutually Exclusive: MGGB 6627.
MMGB 6630. Sustainable Bus Master Class. (3 Credits)
This three-credit intensive will help prepare students to be leaders in the rapidly emerging world of sustainable business. The world today is in crisis: 65 million refugees on the move, fleeing climate change and failed states; the climate crisis has thrown millions into collapse, and will get far worse; we are living in the sixth great extinction, with millions of species going extinct; inequality is so bad that 8 men have as much wealth as the bottom 3.5 billion people on earth…. These and related crises are threatening economies across the planet, and business everywhere.
MMGB 6631. Social Innov Master Class. (3 Credits)
This class is a special offering for students deeply interested in understanding and experiencing the promise of social innovation. In partnership with leading global organizations like the Schwab Foundation, Ashoka, and the World Economic Forum students will learn from global leaders in the field how social innovation can shape business strategy for the 21st century.
MMGB 6632. Applied Sustainability Innovation. (3 Credits)
This course is a real-life consulting engagement for students with a leading fair-trade company (Fairtrasa). Its CEO, Patrick Struebi, will present real-life challenges his company is facing, and selected student teams will work on developing innovative solutions guided by peers and faculty. This course is a capstone for the management consulting concentration, the social innovation concentration, and the sustainable business minor.
MMGB 6633. Leadership in 21st Century. (3 Credits)
The challenges of leading organizations, especially businesses, in the current era are vast. Globalization requires competitive strategies and cultural sensitivity, the worsening environmental crisis calls for sustainable practices, and increasing social problems and inequalities increase pressure for social responsibility beyond traditional profit making. Many current management paradigms have to be rethought and remodeled to deal with these challenges effectively. In this course we look at challenges to organizations on the systemic level (environmental and social pressures), the organizational level (employee commitment and stakeholder trust), and the individual level (happiness) and examine ways of dealing with them proactively.
MMGB 6650. Advanced Business Communication. (3 Credits)
Communicating effectively is essential to successful management, yet many managers lack an understanding of their own communication skills. This course instructs students on what effective management communication means for teams and leadership styles, including communicating change, managing stakeholders, empowering others, and presenting compelling ideas. Students learn how to provide constructive feedback and how to examine their own communication style, applying theories and concepts via practical means in course activities and assignments.
Attribute: MOE.
Mutually Exclusive: CMGB 7550.
MMGB 6710. Purpose-Driven Marketing. (3 Credits)
This learning-by-doing course introduces students to purpose-driven marketing: the innovative use of marketing frameworks to enhance individual and societal well-being. Participants will learn how to develop stakeholder-oriented marketing strategies (using segmentation, targeting, differentiation, positioning), adapt the 4Ps of the marketing mix (product, price, placement, promotion), and balance the triple bottom line (people, planet, profit). Class discussions and course projects will address the full spectrum of marketing activities from conducting market research to creating, delivering, and communicating new services.
Mutually Exclusive: MKGB 6710.
MMGB 6820. Managerial Statistics. (3 Credits)
This course introduces students to the basic statistical concepts essential for business research and decision-making, including descriptive statistics, probability distributions, statistical inference, and simple and multiple regression.
Mutually Exclusive: DGGB 6820.
MMGB 760A. Sustainability Reporting and Finance. (3 Credits)
Financial decisions worldwide are increasingly influenced by the unique risks of the 21st century. All activities demand focus on sustainability issues—from the looming impacts of climate change, to risks associated with health and safety, to credit and investment gaps that limit business opportunities and hamper economic progress in many parts of the world. As the challenges of scarcity of resources, the search for profits through efficiency, and impact of climate change continue to mount, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data become essential for prudent decision-making. Along with several multinational investment banks, the Dow Jones has a sustainability index indicating that the search for profitability through efficiency has transcended trends and has now become the new corporate norm. Students in this course study finance, corporate disclosures, and sustainability reporting practices as integrated subjects beginning with an introduction to financial and reporting principles and moving through financial analysis and industry-focused disclosures. Additionally, the course covers diverse aspects of sustainable reporting and offers tools for effective risk assessment.
Attribute: MOE.
MMGB 7620. Understanding the Digital Consumer. (3 Credits)
Consumer behavior is rapidly changing as channels and shopping offer more options and more data points. This course prepares students for marketing to digital consumers, covering the latest social science research and theories to better understand consumer behavior. The course focuses on applications in managerial decision-making for digital consumers. Topics include motivation, learning, memory, perception, attitude formation and change, and consumer and social wellbeing that aid in predicting consumer behavior in traditional marketplaces and on digital platforms.
Attribute: MOE.
MMGB 7637. Crisis Communication and Leadership Strategies. (3 Credits)
Every organization faces crises. Yet, how crisis is handled is critical to helping its brand move forward. Students learn theoretical conceptualizations, public relations and crisis management skills to handle real world crises. Students assess how public-relations fits into the strategic management and decision-making of an organization during a crisis situation. Possible remedies for crisis are examined by applying best strategies for specific situations, using both traditional and new media, while also focusing on strategies and approaches for crisis prevention.
Attributes: ABIB, MEMG, MOE.
MMGB 7642. Sustainability and Finance. (3 Credits)
In this course we explore how the evolving needs of society are changing the way financial theories, tools, and techniques are conceived and applied.
MMGB 7660. Business Strategy for the Modern World. (3 Credits)
This course focuses on defining an organization’s mission, establishing its objectives, developing strategies for achieving those objectives, and assuring implementation and continual updating of long-term plans.
Mutually Exclusive: MGGB 7660.
MMGB 7680. Social & Digital Media. (3 Credits)
This course examines social media innovations and the disruptive force they create on traditional media, as well as how businesses across industries are handling the new technological environment. This course examines the factors affecting why and how consumers adopt or fail to adopt new media technologies and services. It also considers how the characteristics of individual technologies and services affect the adoption process and how adoption patterns differ across consumer categories.
Attribute: MOE.
MMGB 76AK. Persuasive Corporate Communications. (3 Credits)
Business professionals have long known that the ability to influence is a critical business skill. Developing long-term relationships with clients and developing an effective corporate culture is highly valued. Students will critically examine contemporary scholarship from the academic and applied field detailing effective and ineffective practices for persuading stakeholders at various levels. Students will examine how different communication channels can impact the degree to which an audience is persuaded. The course will focus on internal and external organizational communication.
Attribute: MOE.
MMGB 8999. Independent Study. (1 to 3 Credits)
M.S. in Marketing Intelligence
The Master of Science in Marketing Intelligence (MSMI) (STEM) 36 Credits program provides students with a comprehensive understanding of marketing strategy and the analytical technical skills needed for success in business.
The MSMI is a 36 credit, full- or part-time program. In addition to the required courses, MSMI students can choose specialized electives in their fields of interest.
Course Title Credit
Required Courses
MIGB 6710 Responsible Marketing Management 3
MIGB 7720 Consumer Behavior 3
MIGB 7732 Data-Driven Marketing Decisions 3
MIGB 7730 Research Methods 3
MIGB 8701 Marketing Analytics 15
MIGB 8703 Reveal Consumer Insights 15
MIGB 7785 Marketing Strategy 3
MIGB 779H Marketing Decision Models 3
MIGB 779Z Applied Project 3
MIGB 8702 Experiential Career Development Portfolio I 0
MIGB 7760 Marketing Technology and Innovation 3
Marketing Electives 1 6
Free Elective(s) 2 3
Total Credits 36